Lighten PDF Converter OCR 3.5.0 portable

Lighten PDF to Word Converter, вы можете использовать для конвертирования PDF в формат Microsoft Word (. DOCX) с удобным редактированием и конвертированием содержимого слово в слово, не тратя времени на копирование текста. Сохраняет оригинальный шрифт, цвет, размер, графику, таблицы и макеты страниц.
With Lighten PDF to Word Converter, you can convert PDF to Microsoft Word (.docx) for easy editing, and move all the content to Word without spending lots of time retyping or copying and pasting. Lighten PDF to Word Converter has ability to preserve original font style, color, size, graphic, table and page layouts as accurate as possible.
PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.2.4 portable

Photo Ninja is a professional-grade RAW converter that delivers exceptional detail, outstanding image quality, and a distinctive, natural look. If you think this is "just another RAW converter", you're in for a surprise. Photo Ninja is truly special, with unique capabilities for improving and optimizing your digital images. Click on the items below to learn more about this powerful tool, and read why serious photographers are adopting it into their workflows.