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Serif PhotoStack Portable

Serif PhotoStack Portable

Serif PhotoStack этот профессиональная фото-программа, она позволяет создавать, редактировать и организовывать и делиться вашеми фотографиями.

Ваши фотографии гораздо больше, чем просто напоминание о особому случаю; они " повторно срез прекрасный момент. Захват солнце, море, песок и улыбки семейного отдыха, пережить вашего малыша " Первые шаги или сделать снимок этого специального выпускной, юбилей или день рождения. PhotoStack подходит для великолепных фотографий, для воспоминаний, которые будут длиться всю жизнь.

Your photos are much more than just a reminder of a special occasion; they're a snap shot of a perfect moment. Capture the sun, sea, sand and smiles of your family holiday, relive your little one's first steps or take a shot of that special graduation, anniversary or birthday. PhotoStack is the place for stunning photos, for memories that will last a lifetime.


RuCaptcha - первая русскоязычная распозновалка капч

Life is full of picture perfect moments
You can capture hundreds of beautiful wedding photos or family holiday snaps, using your camera, smartphone or tablet and upload them all in no time to create a beautiful collection of brilliant memories. PhotoStack organises everything for you! Your photos are grouped however you choose and you can customise all your settings to create stunning photo albums the way you and your family want them.

Stunning photos, with no imperfections
Don't let imperfections spoil a special picture, correct common mistakes in a few simple clicks from removing dreaded red eye, to erasing blemishes and unwanted background objects. That family day at the zoo or weekend away might look even better in a retro or vintage style or even in black and white, so take advantage of these and many other stunning effects in one click. And because you're using PhotoStack you can rest assured that you'll never lose your original image.

All your memories in one safe place
Remember that sentimental feeling when you're flicking through an old photo album? With PhotoStack you can recreate that on your own PC. Take away the stress of organising lots of digital photos, with a program that does it all for you. All your photos are added quickly and you can easily search and locate your photos by tag, name or date and find the perfect shot, fast. Build an amazing photo library that's packed with memories.

Share every adventure
Don't keep amazing photos to yourself, share your adventures across Facebook, Flickr and more, use quick buttons to email photos to your loved ones straight from PhotoStack and easily print your best photos to frame or turn into beautiful gifts. Photographers enjoying PhotoStack can also apply bespoke watermarks to their pictures or albums to indicate ownership and protect copyright. Sharing your memories with the world has never been easier.

Power and speed that you won't believe
Creating jaw-dropping photos, stunning albums and sharing them with your family and friends is so fast and easy. You can import hundreds of snaps, or massive photo libraries and add beautiful effects with a program that works for you. PhotoStack is optimised for speed so you can import pictures from any device in seconds and quickly start putting together an amazing photo collection.

Windows: XP, Vista, 7/8 x86
Язык: Ml/ENG
Активация: Встроенно
Размер: 124.3 MB

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RuCaptcha - первая русскоязычная распозновалка капч



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