SysTweak Advanced Driver Updater 2.1.1086.16469 Portable

Advanced Driver Updater - программа для автоматической загрузки и установки драйверов. Сканирует систему на наличие устаревших драйверов, выбирает подходящие для вашей ОС и предлагает их обновить. Имеет доступ к огромной базе данных драйверов устройств всех современных производителей: Realtek, ATI, MSI, NVidia и др. Есть возможность создания резервных копий обновляемых драйверов, так что при необходимости всегда можно их восстановить.
Обновляет драйвера: видео карт, звуковых карт (и других звуковых устройств), сетевых карт (и драйверы сетевых контроллеров), USB устройств (USB флешки и жёсткие диски), жёстких дисков (а также драйверы внешних жёстких дисков и RAID контроллеров), материнских плат, мониторов, принтеров, сканеров, для CD, DVD и Blu-ray приводов, для TV тюнеров, клавиатур, мышек, SCSI устройств, Bluetooth устройств и контроллеров, модемов, для мобильных телефонов, Wi-Fi устройств, веб-камер, для цифровых камер и т.д.

A Driver is a piece of software which helps the system to communicate with the hardware devices installed on it. Without these drivers, the system will not be able to distinguish between a display card and a mouse. Most of these drivers are installed along with the operating system. However, with time, these existing drivers get outdated, resulting in poor system performance and limited hardware functionality. Therefore, it is very important to update the drivers on your system from time to time.
To do so manually is a tedious task. You will first have to determine the model and make of the hardware device, go to the manufacturer’s website, then download and install the most recent and updated drivers for it. Most of the times, you will have problems finding the right driver for your computer, or the one you install may be incompatible. However, using Advanced Driver Updater, this can be done easily, quickly and efficiently.
Advanced Driver Updater has an extensive database which consists of the latest and most updated drivers in the market. It scans your system and displays a list of outdated drivers. All you need to do to update to the most recent ones is click a button. A backup of the old drivers is taken automatically and the newest drivers are installed. It is just that simple. If you do not like the latest driver or it is causing any problems, you can easily restore the backup.
Having Advanced Driver Updater on your system makes sense, because having the most recent drivers do. They give you enhanced functionality, minimize erratic behavior and improve system performance.
Key Features
-Ensures peak performance of installed hardware
-Checks for updated drivers using an extensive database
-Installs genuine device drivers from original manufacturers
-Minimizes erratic behavior and enhances PC performance
-Downloads and installs most recent drivers with a few simple clicks
-Automatically scans system for latest drivers as per the schedule you set
-Full backup and restore functionality available in case of incompatibility issues
-Fully compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows XP, Vista,7 and Windows 8
Год выхода: 2014
Версия: 2.1.1086.16469
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/7/8
Язык Интерфейса: Multilanguage(Ru)
Таблетка: Встроенно
Размер: 5.2 MB

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