PGWARE PCBoost Portable

Утилита предназначена для автоматического освобождения ресурсов компьютера под запущенное приложение, что позволяет добиться прироста производительности работающих программ. PCBoost обладает простым интерфейсом и не требует сложной настройки — оптимизация работы компьютера производится в автоматическом режиме. PcBoost автоматически выставляет приоритеты для запущенных программ, что позволяет с максимальной эффективностью использовать мощность вашего процессора.

PCBoost 4 increases computer performance by allocating higher portions of CPU power to active applications and games. PCBoost is a revolutionary product which enhances processor intensive software to run at even faster speeds. Very easy to use, fully compliant with all versions of Microsoft Windows and compatible with most software. With PCBoost your computer will run faster than ever before. Boost the performance of your PC the easy way. PCBoost allows you to run programs such as games, video editing software and any software that requires large amounts of processing power to run much faster than the software was originally designed for. With little to no effort you can easily make programs & games run faster on your computer without having to purchase a new computer. Most programs are designed to use a minimal amount of CPU (processor) power which often leads to the CPU being idle and not used to its fullest potential, with PCBoost your computer is able to take advantage of this by allocating more CPU power to the currently active application.
Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10
Год выхода: 2021
Размер (7z): 3 Мб
архив не запаролен

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