ChrisTV Online Premium 10.3 Portable

ChrisTV Online Premium 10.3 Portable

Программа для превращения вашего компьютера в телевизор и радиоприемник. ChrisTV Online! позволяет просматривать огромное количество ТВ-каналов, радиостанций и другого аудио-видео материала, транслируемого через сеть Интернет. Для всего этот используется только соединение с Интернетом, и не нужно никакого дополнительного оборудования. В базе программы ChrisTV Online! имеется более 1800 телевизионных каналов и более 600 радиостанций из 100 стран мира, список которых обновляется ежедневно. Выбор каналов можно производить по стане, типу, категории, языку, названию станции.

Do you like TV or radio and got an Internet connection? ChrisTV Online! will bring them to your desktop and you will gain access to more than 1800+ TV channels and 600+ radio stations from all over the globe (more than 100 countries). Starting with new version, you won't miss a thing on TV, because we have added a new major feature: RECORD* online TV and Radio streams. You also have the possibility to add your own streams/channels into ChrisTV Online! channels database using the new option Add new channel. Latest version of ChrisTV Online! comes with a multilanguage interface : English, German, Dutch, Romanian.


Features of ChrisTV Online! PREMIUM Edition:
· The range of ChrisTV Online!'s TV channels and Radio stations is wide and you can find from News, Music, Sports, Religion, Education to Entertaiment Channels.
ChrisTV Online! interface offers you fast and easy access to all channels available in our database through the Channels List panel, where you can :
· Group channels by Country,
· Group channels by Type,
· Group channels by Category,
· Group channels by Language,
· Group channels by Station Name.
· ChrisTV Online! skinable interface is easy to use, gives you access to all important features and comes with a default set of professional skins.

ChrisTV Online! provides 3 display modes :
· Full Mode : direct access to all buttons and functions.
· Compact Mode : direct access to main buttons and functions, you can access all functions in the popupmenu.
· Frame Mode : only video window is available, you can access all functions in the popupmenu.
· Built in channels database search function
· Control bar with Play, Stop, Mute, Fullscreen, Settings buttons.
· FullScreen mode fast access through mouse doubleclick.
· Minimize to SysTray the ChrisTV Online! window.
· Popupmenu on mouse click with direct access to main controls and settings.
· Channels list option on the left or right side of the viewing window.
· Last channel functionality.
· KeyShortcuts for main functionalities.

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2014
Размер (RAR): 10 Мб
Информация для восстановления: 5%
архив не запаролен

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