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Uninstall Tool 3.7.2 Build 5702 Portable

Uninstall Tool 3.7.2 Build 5702 Portable

Удобная программа, заменяющая неудобную и тяжеловестную стандартную программу установки и удаления программ Windows. Имеет множество опций, настроек и возможностей, которых нет в стандартном аналоге от Microsoft: высокая скорость работы и малый размер; показ установленных скрытых и системных программ; удобная навигация и поиск; удаление программ, деинсталляция которых (стандартными средствами) невозможна.


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A great, powerful and reliable alternative to standard Windows Add/Remove program. Ultra is a small tool that replaces the standart unconvenient and heavy "Add and Remove Programs". Uninstall Tool is a great, powerful and reliable alternative to standard Windows Add/Remove program. It's fast, secure and convenient way to remove unneeded applications and to improve your computer efficiency.

Here are some key features of "Uninstall Tool":
· 3 times faster than Add/Remove program!
· 3 applications categories: Software, System, Hidden.
· 3 ways of sorting applications: by Name, by Occupied Size, by Installation Date.
· Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove program.
· Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry.
· Fast search feature allows quick finding of any application you need.
· Navigate to a selected program's Registry Entry, Installation Folder and its Web Site.
· View detailed information of a certain application installed on your computer.
· Easy to use and modern user interface allows to work comfortably with Uninstall Tool.
· Multilingual interface!
· Option to replace Add/Remove program.
· Portable - you can even run it from a USB flash drive
· Saving (exporting to HTML) detailed reports about currentlly installed applications
· Running "Windows Components" and "Add/Remove Programs" programs

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10/11
Год выхода: 2023
Размер (7z): 10 Мб
архив не запаролен

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